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Alice Nine
Rambler's Top100

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(Continuation of Tora’s 100 questions interview from his days in Givuss.)

81. What’s a part of you that makes you think, “this is definitely genetic!”
—My status as a guitar king (master of playing guitar)

82. What would be a good age to start your life over?
—Hey, Inuyasha!!

83. Doraemon has shown up at your house! What do you do?
—Beat the shit out of Take-chan.

84. Who is the real star of the series, Doraemon or Nobita-kun?

85. What would you say to a girl who is using her charm to try and get her way?
—My hand is getting tired.

86. What would you say to a guy with puppy dog eyes?
—Shake, shake! (Literally said HAND, HAAAAND!)

87. If you ever met yourself as a child, what would you say to them?
—Make sure you become a guitar king!!

88. Have you ever shouted out a profession of love while drunk?
—Nah, (if) they’re a virgin, I probably shouldn’t. (Tora used the kanji for ‘virgin’ that is usually used for boys, and in some cases can mean a Catholic nun….)

89. If you were the child of a big-name actor, and blessed with s nice appearance, would you also go into show business?
—Would this involve ‘shake, shake’?

90. What do you think of Internet idols?
—They kinda creep me out.

*This interview is from the now-defunct Ark Project web site, an online/mail order style visual kei magazine. The last update to the site was in 2005. You can see the site (Japanese only) here:

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