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(Continuation of Tora’s 100 questions interview from his days in Givuss.) *if anyone can figure out who ‘Take-chan’ is, let me know!*

71. Give us one word that describes you at this moment in time.
—Tiger. 72.

Do you have a personal theme song?
—The Hanshin Tigers theme song.

73. Do you have a crazy lifestyle?
—Oh yeah, I throw up blood, I headbang a lot…

74. If you had to choose between love and money, what would you choose?

75. Are you close to anyone who has both brains and beauty?
—Take-chan. (Not quite sure who take-chan is)

76. Do you use emoticons a lot?
—Take-chan does.

77. Do you wear makeup even on regular days?
—Take-chan does.

78. What do you think of a girl who does her makeup while on the train?
—You know what I wanna doooo.

79. If you had to give up either smoking or drinking, which would you choose?
—Leather pants.

80. Can you write the kanji for “depression”? (Utsu, which is difficult to write at 29 strokes—most of the time I see it written in hiragana alone)
—Take-chan can.

*This interview is from the now-defunct Ark Project web site, an online/mail order style visual kei magazine. The last update to the site was in 2005. You can see the site (Japanese only) here:

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