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Alice Nine
Rambler's Top100

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(Continuation of Tora’s 100 questions interview from his days in Givuss.)

31. When you feel nothing good has been happening to you recently, what do you do to lift your spirits/change your mood?
—Pay respect to leaves.

32. How do you get rid of unwanted body hair?
—I don’t have any unwanted body hair. Are those leaves over there?

33. What do you focus more on, a girl’s face or her personality?
—Unwanted body hair, and smell.

34. What is the number one thing you don’t have enough of?
—Looks, unwanted body hair, amount of nerdiness, cell phone overages…eh, cell phone in general.

35. Which is worse, a girl who just bitches all the time, or one who brags all the time?
—An ugly one.

36. If someone said, “cry and I’ll forgive you,” would you cry?

37. Can you kill with your eyes?
—Stinky little shit.

38. How far could someone go until it’s considered cheating?
—Maybe up to 3 songs. Anything after that and it’s a total rip-off!

39. Can you recommend a favorite diet plan?

40. How many piercings do you have?
—This is annoying.

*This interview is from the now-defunct Ark Project web site, an online/mail order style visual kei magazine. The last update to the site was in 2005. You can see the site (Japanese only) here:

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